Über mich

I first encountered yoga in the late 70’s when I found a book in my fathers’ library, titled “The Illustrated Light on Yoga” by B.K.S. Iyengar. Just looking at the cover awakened my curiosity at this guy sitting in the Lotus position, his body in total symmetry and at the same time, exuding an air of being one, at peace and this image remained with me for an awfully long time.
However, it was not until much later, in my adult life, that I really began to take Yoga and its teachings seriously.
I began practising Yoga in the early 90’s. which in turn led me to completing a three- and half-year intense course in Villeret at The Yoga University, Switzerland. This stilled my curiosity and led to my better understanding of Yoga philosophy and qualifying as a certified Yoga Instructor (member of the Swiss Yoga Association SYV).
Yoga has enriched my life in so many ways. It has taught me to recognise and maintain balance and harmony between the inner and outer facets of being which in turn enables me to challenge and confidently deal with the trials and tribulations of life. For me, Yoga is a way of life.
My yogic roots lie in classical Hatha Yoga which uses deep conscious breathing to hold the Asanas/ postures, whilst allowing muscular, organic, pranic, and psychological benefits to integrate and increase awareness. During my long and regular practice, I integrate different elements from Vinyasa Yoga, Prana Flow Yoga, Fascia Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Kundalini Yoga and Yin Yoga. This blend of different elements not only counteracts but also balances today’s ever-increasing lack of physical activity in our daily life.
During my long and on-going journey, I am and have been supported by many well-known figures. They include Claudia Eva Reinig (www.yogainspiration.ch), Aviva Keller (Yoga Philosophy), Reto Zbinden (www.yoga-university.ch), and my special thanks goes to all of them for their valuable contribution and on-going support. Regular further education/ studies are imperative for better awareness and deepening of yoga as well as for my personal practice and growth. I believe that curiosity is the key to a better understanding and improvement, so I look forward to sharing my experience with you.
Why “Mehra” and what does it refer to? It’s a Hindi word that can be translated as “my” “me” or “mine”. I firmly believe that one should be able to be their genuine, authentic self. Mehra yoga invites you to explore your own practice, find freedom within yourself and embrace yoga.